
Showing posts with the label Epson printer page settings

Explore 2 sided print Options in Epson Printer

There are three options in 2 Sided printing. Lets understand how it works. 1. Off:- Selection of Off will turn off the 2 sided print. Print will print only one side page. 2. 2>2- Sided:- Selection of 2 by 2 sided will scan both side of the page and print the same on bothe side the page. Most common option that is used. 3. 1>2- Sided:- Selection of 1 by 2 sided will scan only single side of the pages and print the same on both sides of the page. It will reduce the stationary if you scan the document and print on both sides. 4. 2>1 This option is used rarely. It scan both sides of the page and print single side of the page.