
Showing posts with the label MDT Task Sequence

MDT custom rule, MDT task sequence rule

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Settings] Priority=Default Properties=MyCustomProperty [Default] ; OverrideProductKey=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX ; Set Windows product key TaskSequenceID=EX01 ; Identifies the operating system task sequence to be deployed to the target computer DoCapture=NO ; Indicator of whether an image of the target computer is to be captured. OSInstall=Y ; Indicates whether the target computer is authorized to have the target operating system installed. SkipAdminPassword=YES ; Indicates whether the Administrator Password wizard page is skipped SkipApplications=YES ; Indicates whether the Select one or more applications to install wizard page is skipped. SkipBDDWelcome=YES ; Indicates whether the Welcome to Windows Deployment wizard page is skipped. SkipBitLocker=YES ; Indicates whether the Specify the BitLocker configuration wizard page is skipped. SkipCapture=YES ; Indicates whether the Specify whether to capture an...