
Showing posts with the label chkdsk

Check Disk Utility | Windows inbuilt tool for repairing HardDisk Sectors, RAW partitions, windows startup problem, Disk drive failure.

Check Disk Utility is the most essential and powerfull tool to give first aid to sudden falling hard drive disk. It checks the file system and repairs and restores the files from  bad sectors of hard disk drive similar  to fsck in linux. Problem 1: Hard disk drive corrupt or unable to access the file and folder within the drive. system restarts after windows logo appears or you would have seen a RAW partition instead NTFS this happen because of corrupt file system. Lets fix it. By Command Line interface: Syntax:: chkdsk c: /f                 "fixes the error on hard disk drive." chkdsk c: /r /f             "Locates the bad sectors and recovers the readable informations." chkdsk /?                    "for command line help" "Make sure your have administrator privileges to run check disk uti...