
Showing posts with the label windows server 2012

Disable Delivery Optimization using Group Policy Editor

Disable Delivery Optimization using Group Policy Editor  Create or Update Sysvol policy central store  visit for updated policy defination  Disable Delivery Optimization using Group Policy Editor Check policy is retrieving policies from central store that we have updated through the Microsoft website mentioned above Disable Delivery Optimization using Group Policy Editor Bypass delivery optimization, disable delivery optimization using GPO Try Registry Editor to disable the Delivery Optimization, Computer\HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization\Settings\ Set value to 0 of DownloadMode #how to disable Delivery Optimization using Registry Editor

How to deploy software using Group Policy windows server 2008 r2

Assigning software Selecting assign the program to a user, it's installed when the user logs on to the computer. When the user first runs the program, the installation is completed. If you assign the program to a computer, it's installed when the computer starts, and it's available to all users who log on to the computer. When a user first runs the program, the installation is completed. Publishing software While publishing a program distribution to users. When the user logs on to the computer, the published program is displayed in the Add or Remove Programs dialog box can be installed from there. Following policy required to complete the task Now we will provide the shared location to the user to install the software from group policy. User must have read and executive access to the folder containing the msi package.  Check from the user side whether the share folder is accessible or. After applying the policy now configure the software installation policy Go to the compu...

How to enable Dot NetFramework 3.0 feature in windows server 2012

  How to enable Dot NetFramework 3.0 feature in windows server 2012 hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows\windowsupdate set usewuserver to 0 hexodecimal net stop wuauserver net start wuauserv install-windowsfeatuer net-framework-core net stop wuauserver ------------------------------------------------------- DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs ------------------------------------------------------- #using powershell Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source \\network\share\sxs

Reset Grace period in Windows Server 2012

Reset Grace period | Windows Server 2012 r2 terminal server   Reset Your 120 day’s Grace period From your Terminal Server or Remote Desktop Go to registry editor and delete following registry. This would be completed with administrator permissions on RCM folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod