Steps to use Rupee sign (₹ )

Nowadays in every keyboard you see Rupee sign button but when we press it even using shift key, it doesn't print Rupee sign. Here is steps by which you can use Rupee sign.

Method 1: 

Steps 1: Find font your keyboard model/company wise and download in your computer/laptop

Step 2: Simply open it and click on install.

Step 3: Open file in which you want to use Rupee Sign like excel, word, power point, word pad etc.

Step 4: Select Rupee font (see picture)

Step 5: Press the key on which Rupee sign is print.

The Rupee font I am using is Rupee Foradian

Method 2: 

If you do not have any Rupee symbol on your keyboard, generaly old keyboards haven't Rupee sign, so there is another way to use this symbol. 

Step 1:  First go to the control panel >Language>

Step 2: Click on add an input method and change it in English (India), Save it.

Step 3: Then press Ctrl + Alt + 4 where you want to use Rupee sign.

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