In a terms of managing files, accounting and other official work linux is awesome and it's GUI is prety easy now days, but as far as CLI (command line interface) is concerned in administrative task like managing server, using CLI is consider faster than GUI but hard to learn commands. Practice over commands can help.
File Commands
locat the directory in which we are in, see present directory
make file in directory
make empty directory
remove only files
rm -r *
remove everything empty and non empty directory and files.
new\ file
give "\" to make the file name of "new file"
ls -l
see listed files and directory along with user group other permissins
ls -a
see all files and directory, hidden also
ls -gG
list file in directory, ignore user and group
cp -r
copy files and directory
see inside the file
shutdown the machine
Restart the machine
display your currently active processes
display all running processes
killall pro
kill all processes named proc*
man cat
see help for "cat"
File Permissions
4 read (r)
2 write(w)
1 execute(x)
chown user1 filename
change ownership of file to user1
chmod 777 /home
read, write, execute for all
chod o+rwx
add read, write and execute permission to other(outside the world)
chmod g+wx
Add Write and execute permission to groups
chmod -R 777 data
for recursively set permission
chmod u-w
remove write permission from user
User and groups commands
passwd user1
set password for user1
useradd username --shell /bin/false
create user without accessing the shell
usermod -aG sudo rahul
Add rahul into sudo group
adduser rahul
add user name rahul
addgroup groupname
create a group named groupname
sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
Add user into the group
grep -r pattern dir
search recursively for pattern in dir
locate file
find all instances of file
system information
show the current date and time
show this month's calendar
show current uptime
display who is online
who logged in
finger user
display about logged user
uname -a
display about system
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpu information
cat /proc/meminfo
memory information
show the manual of commands
show memory and swap usage
whereis app
show possible locations of app
which app
show which app will be run by default
network commands
ping host
output host results
whois domain
get whois information for domain
dig domain
get DNS inormation for domain
dig -x host
reverse lookup host
wget file
download file
wget -c file
continue stopped file to download
nano /etc/network/interfaces
configuration of network interface
ifconfig eth0 down
down the eth0 (interface)
service network-manager restart
restart the network services
installation commands
dpkg --get-selection
view installed package
dpkg --get-selection | grep python
list installed package starting name from python
dpkg -i package.deb
install package debian
rpm -Uvh pkg.rpm
install a package (RPM)
apt-get reove package
remove software using package name like "samba"
install from source
make install
Terminal shortcut
halt the current command
Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background
Log out of current session, same as exit
erases one word in the current line
erases whole line
copy select commands
Disk and drive command
fdisk -l
list storage device
list storage device
list storage device with uuid
fdisk /devsdb
Partition the disk press n to create p for primary w for write changes
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1
format with ext4
"uuid" /mnt/mydrive ext4 defaults 0 0
mount at boot
ntfsfix /dev/sda#
fix ntfs drive
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdab# /mnt/data
mount ext4 drive in data directory
mount -a /dev/sdab# /mnt/data
mount drive for auto file system selection
DNS configuration
dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf
press ok, and reboot the machine
Samba file sharing
apt-get install smbclient
for installation of windows shared printer
apt-get install samba
if samba not installed in system,
smbpasswd -a user1
Samba uses a separate set of password than the standard linux system account stored in /etc/samba/smbpasswd
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
configura smb.conf file for file and printer sharing
win support = yes
security = user
comment = file sharing
path = /DATA
valid users = user1 user5
public = yes
create mask = 0775
read only = no
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
service smbd restart
smbclient -L //ip/share -U username
access shared folder
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