undefined error while uploading video on Squeaks Video

How to upload undefined Squeaks Video

-: Solution based content :-

While uploading video on Squeaks Video, we get error Undefined. Even though we have enough internet data. After the 100% upload it show the undefined as per below mention snapshot. This is accrued when we change our username. This may be caused due to special corrector used in tags, description. 


Undefined Squeaks Video
We have always tried to find out the solution of such error or technical problem, Follow the page "Talkmelive Blog". 


This happens if have changed the squeaks video username.
Revert the changes and then you can upload the video successfully without the error.

how to upload UNDEFINED VIDEO

Squeaks Video:- This is a bug in Squeaks Video application and Squeaks will fix it soon I hope so be patient and wait for bug fix. here you can do a lot more that is not to use special corrector like #$%^/\{*@ etc. avoid it in tag description. This may help to upload the undefined video. 



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