Interview questions for desktop support engineer

The most common questions that is asked by the interviewers for the Desktop Support Engineer L1. We must have the answer of these kind of questions.

-:Interview questions asked for desktop support engineer:-

Question 1

Which are the files supported by Outlook? 


Question 2

Difference between PST & OST

PST stands for Personal Storage Table and stored in users hard disk. Your emails that are sent or received and attached to them , calendars, journals, contacts and other mailbox items stored in PST format.

OST stands for Offline Storage Table, used even in offline mode and to sync automatically when connected to the internet or exchange server.

Question 3

2 Main difference between PST and OST.

  1. OST is offline storage folder whereas PST can be termed as personal or online storage folder.
  1. PST is used to store file locally whereas OST is an Offline storage used when no server connection is present.
  1. OST files only support Microsoft Exchange server whereas PST files can be used with Exchange setup but not recommended. Apart from the Exchange server, it is also compatible with other servers.
  1. OST is suited for domains with limited internet connections but such is not the case for PST files.

Question 4

Difference between FAT 32 & NTFS file system

  • FAT32 has share permissions for security. and NTFS allows you to set permissions on local files and folders as well.
  • FAT32 offers no file compression feature. While NTFS lets you compress files and folders individually.
  • FAT32 supports max file size upto 4 GB and file name upto 8.3 character but NTFS supports upto 16 TB and file name upto 256 character
  • FAT32 has no auto repair but NTFS has
  • In FAT
  • * Compression option is not available
  • * Encryption Option is not available
  • * Disk Quota Option is not available

Question 5

How will you troubleshoot if there are blue screen errors?

if the blue screen show "ntfs.sys" at the end of information
Take backup of all data to backup server or another HDD. Hard disk drive issue. Boot from CD/DVD and run check disk for c: drive

Question 6

What is the standard method of troubleshooting?

  • Take a note about the exact error message or the problem also write the steps you have taken.
  • Always check the cable connection
  • Restart the PC

Question 7

How will you troubleshoot if your PC is slow?

  • Uninstall unwanted programs. Don't have too many programs running at the same time. ...
  • Restart your computer. ...
  • Remove viruses and malware using antivirus software
  • Check HDD space if full than Free up hard disk space
  • Verify windows system files using sfc /scannow cmd
  • Run Hardware diagnostic.
  • Adjust windows visual effects onto basic
  • Run a disk scan.
  • Rebuild the OS

Question 8

Difference between a Switch & a Router

  • Switch connects various devices simultaneously and Router connects various networks simultaneously.
  • Switch works in data link later. While Router works in network layer.
  • through switch data is sent in the form of packet and frame. While Through router data is sent in the form of packet.

Question 9

How will you troubleshoot if the internet is not working ?

  • Check IP setting and connection Wi-Fi or LAN.
  • Check date and time, set if not correct.
  • Off the firewall
  • run netsh int ip reset & netsh winsock reset
  • Install the required certificate provided by your Active Directory Administrator or certificate authority.
  • Check network connectivity and speed. Check proxy server connectivity and proxy settings

Question 10

How will you enter in safe mode in Windows 10 ?

in order to have faster boot time, Microsoft has disabled this feature in Windows 10 by default. First we should enable it.
Click Windows-button → On/Off.
Hold down the Shift key and click Restart.
Click the option Troubleshoot and then Advanced options.
Afterwards go to “Advanced options” and click Start-up Settings.
Under “Start-up Settings” click Restart.
Several boot option are displayed. ...
Windows 10 is now starting in Safe Mode.

Question 11

How will you troubleshoot if there is no display?

  • Check all cable connection.
  • Restart the system if system gives 5 time beep sound, Refix the RAM or change the RAM
  • if the NumLock light is getting on and off than it is monitor problem.
  • If the display is working in BIOS than run in Safe mode and set the correct resolution

Question 12

Difference between Windows XP & Windows  7

  • The shutdown and the start up is very fast in Windows 7 as compared to the Windows XP
  • Windows 7 provides good Graphical User Interface (GUI) than Windows XP
  • In windows 7 there is no necessity for the drivers to be installed but in Windows XP it is necessary to install drivers.
  • The Windows defender in Windows 7 provides maximum security to the operating system but in Windows XP this feature is not available.

Question 13

What is an operating system?

Operating system works as an interpreter between computer Hardware and application. Operation system works as a user interface.

Question 14

Types of Operating systems?

 There are two types of operating systems

  •  SOS: Simple Operating System as for example- Windows 95,98, ME
  • NOS: Network Operating System as for example- Windows NT, 2000, 2003.

Question 15

What is server?

Server are computer that provides the services. As for Example:-
1. DNS Server
2. WINS Server
3. DHCP Server
4. RAS Server
5. VPN Server

Question 16

What is RAS Server?

RAS stands for Remote Access Server. It is basically use for mobile user in the network. This server provides the access connectivity for mobile user. In this way all of the mobile users are connected to server through telephone line. This server also
provides the connectivity between two more offices in the network.

Question 17

What is VPN Server?

VPN Stands for Virtual Private Network. It is basically use for mobile user in the network. This server provides the remote access connectivity for mobile user. In this way all of the mobile users are connected to server through internet. This server also
provides the connectivity between two or more office in the network.

Question 18

What is IAS Server?

IAS stands for Internet Authentication Services. IAS server is also known as RADIUS Server. IAS Server provides the centralized management of multiple RAS & VPN Server in the Network. On this Server Remote Access Policy and Remote Access logging options are available.

Question 19

What is Active Directory?

Active Directory is the main concept of Windows 2000/2003 Network. it stores all of the information about the whole network such as users, printers, computers etc.

Question 20

Difference between D.C. and A.D.C.?

D.C. stands for Domain Controller and A.D.C. stands for Additional Domain Controller. A.D.C. is a backup of D.C. On D.C. all of five Operation Master Roles are available-
1. Schema Master
2. Domain Naming Master
3. RID Master
4. PDC Emulator
5. Infrastructure Master
But on A.D.C. only Three Operation Master Role are Available:
1. RID Master
2. PDC Emulator
3. Infrastructure Master

Question 21

What is the benefit of Child Domain?

There are many benefits of Child Domain Such As:
1. Security Boundary
2. Administrative Overhead Low
3. Network Traffic Low

Question 22

What is Group?

Group is a collection of user account. It provides the simplified administration in the network.

Question 23

What is OU?

OU stands for Organizational Unit. On OU we define group Policy in the network. Group policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. Site, domain, OU. When ever we want some users then we put that user in the OU and assign the
appropriate Group Policy on that OU.

Question 24

What is Group Policy?

Group Policy provides the stream line access to all of the users in the network. Group policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. Site, Domain and O.U. When ever we want some users in the network do not use shut down the system, do not use run command, do not use Control Panel, then we put that user in the OU and assign the appropriate Group Policy on that OU.

Question 25

Difference between permission, rights and policy?

Permission: permission is basically assigned on network resources as for example - file, folder, share folder, printer.
Right: Right is basically assign to users and groups.
Policy: Policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. - Site, Domain, OU.

Question 26

What is ISA Server?

ISA stands for Internet Security Acceleration. ISA server provides the internet connectivity for all of the users in network ISA Server also works as proxy Server in the network. With the help of ISA Server Administrator can filtering a client request for a specific web site in the network.

Question 27

What is Default Gateway?

Default Gateway is the IP address of router in the network. When ever any clients want to go to another network that query will
forward to default gateway.

Question 28

What is site?

A site is a geographical area where all of the domains are available. Site manages the replication traffic between two or more different sites in the network.

Question 29

What is Operation Master Role?

Operation Master Role is available on Domain Controller in the Network. There are five types of operation master roles:-
1. Schema master
2. Domain Naming Master
3. RID Master
4. PDC Emulator
5. Infrastructure Master

Question 30.

What is SCSI?

SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface. In SCSI the rate of data transmission is fast. SCSI Hard Disk Speed R.P.M. is fast in SCSI Data Transmission speed is 320 MBPS in the Network. In SCSI Controller We can connect Maximum 15 Physical Devices in the System.

Question 31

What are A-Host Record and PTR Record?

A record is also called host record. This record is basically created in forward lookup Zone PTR record is also called a Pointer record. This record is basically created in reverse lookup Zone

Question 32

What is reservation?

Reservation is basically used in DHCP Server. When Ever we want this computer is always received this IP address from DHCP Server in the network, in the network, in that case we create a reservation in DHCP Server of that particular computer in the

Question 33

IP Address Range/Classes?

There are two types of IP address:-
1. Class Full IP Address
2. Class Less IP Address
Class Full IP Address - There are five classes:
1. Class A - 0 - 126(127 is reserved for Loop back)
2. Class B - 128 - 191
3. Class C - 192 - 223
4. Class D - 224 - 239
5. Class E - 240 - 255

Question 34.

Difference between Hardware Router & Software Router?

Hardware Router: Hardware Router is a dedicated Router. It's having a lot of feature such as Security, dedicated routing in
the networking. As for Example Cisco Router.
Software Router: Software Router is not a dedicated router. It provides the different services also such as DNS Server, DHCP
Server i.e. Windows Based Router.

Question 35

Difference between Hardware Firewall and Software Firewall?

Hardware Firewall: It is a dedicated firewall. A lots of security features are available on hardware based firewall. As for
Example- Cisco Pix Firewall.
Software Firewall: It is a dedicated firewall. It provides the normal security in the network- Check Point.

Question. 36

What is Domain Controller?

A. D.C. stands for Domain Controller. It provides the centralized management of entire domain in the network. When ever we will
install active directory database on a server side operating system, then after that system becomes a D.C. Domain controller
manages all security related interaction between users and computers in the network.

Question 37

What is B Router?

B Router stands for Bridge Router. We can say this is a layer three bridge that provides the communication between two or
more different network ID.

Question 38

What is a Bridge?

Bridge is a layer 2 network device that provides the communication within the same network ID. In bridge maximum 16 ports are available.

Question 39.

Difference between Gateway and Router?

Router works on same network architecture but Gateway works on different network architecture.

Question 40

What is POP Server/SMTP Server?

POP Stands for Post Office Protocol. It is basically use for mail receiving purpose in the network.
SMTP Stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is basically use for sending a mail as well as receiving a mail in the network.

Question 41

What is Active Directory Partitions?

Active Directory Partition is a logical Partition of Active Directory. This Partition is basically use for replication from D.C. to A.D.C. & D.C. to G.C.S. (Global Catalog Server) in the network. There are three Types of Active Directory Partition:
1. Schema Partition
2. Configuration Partition
3. Domain Partition

Question 42

Types of Active Directory Partitions?

There are Three types of Active Directory Partitions:
1. Schema Partition
2. Configuration Partition
3. Domain Partition

Question 43

What is the function of Ping Command?

Ping provides to check the Physical IP Connectivity between two or more devices in the network. Ping sends an ICMP request from source Computer to destination computer and destination computer sends an ICMP reply.

Question 44

What are Broadcasting, Multicasting and unicasting?

Broadcasting - one to all
Multicasting - one to many not all
Unicasting - One to One.

Question 45

What is Group Nesting?

When we add two or more Groups within a Single Group. It is called Group Nesting.

Question 46

What is FIXMBR?

FIXMBR Repair the Master boot record of the Partition Boot Sector.

Question 47

What is FIXBOOT?

FIXBOOT write a new partition boot sector on to the system partition.

Question 48

What is SID?

SID stands for Security Identifier. Every object has a unique ID, it is called SID.

Question 49

What is RADIUS Server?

RADIUS Stands for Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service, RADIUS Server Provides the Centralized Management of Multiple RAS & VPN Server in the network. On this Server Remote Access Policy and Remote Access Logging Options are available.

Question 50

What is Microsoft Exchange Server?

Microsoft Exchange Server is Software that provides the services such as sending & receiving the Mail.

Question 51

What is incremental backup?

In incremental backup only incremental parts are backup not full backup.

Question 52.

What is differential backup?

In differential backup, we take full backup after the normal backup.

Question 53.

What is packet?

A packet is a logical grouping of information that includes a header which contains location information and user data.

Question 54

What is LAN cable colour coding?

  1. White Orange
  2. Orange
  3. White Green
  4. Blue
  5. White Blue
  6. Green
  7. White Brown
  8. Brown

Question 55.

What is forwarder?

forwarder is a Domain Name System (DNS) server on a network that forwards DNS queries for external DNS names to DNS servers outside that network.

Question 56

What is DMZ Port in firewall

DMZs are intended to function as a sort of buffer zone between the public internet and the private network. Deploying the DMZ between two firewalls means that all inbound network packets are screened using a firewall or other security appliance before they arrive at the servers the organization hosts in the DMZ.

Question 57

What is OT in Manufacturing

Operational Technology in manufacturing includes the hardware and software systems that control and execute processes on the shop floor.

Historically, OT has included systems like MES, SCADA, PLCs, and CNCs.

Some Windows Active Directory Interview Questions..

How to fix Remote Desktop Connection Problems in Windows Server 2008?

How to RENAME a Windows 2003 Domain ?

How to reset TCP/IP in Windows or How to delete TCP/IP entries from Registry ?

What is Clustering? How it works?

How to join a computer to the domain which is in different network(VLAN)?

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Desktop support engineer basic interview questions, best interview questions and answers for desktop support engineer and basic interview questions for l1 desktop support engineer.



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